Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Time to Spill my Guts!

Ok so here it goes.  I need to lose weight...a lot of weight.  After my last 2 kids I have gained and weigh more then I ever have and I hate it.  I feel horrible. I can barely look at myself in the mirror and let's face it the bedroom department with my fiance has suffered as well.  All stemming from my lack of confidence and frankly loathing of my body.  So the time has come for a drastic change.  After doing extensive research on diets and work outs and cookie diets (yeah I WISHED that worked!) I finally came across something that I am hoping will work for me.  The HCG Diet.  Now ok yes it is kind of a fad diet, however there is a lot more to it then what meets the eye.  First off this is a diet that has been around since Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons introduced his book "Pounds and Inches" in 1954.  So something that has been around for that long isn't exactly a fad now is it?  Also it claims that you can lose 1-2 lbs a day! A DAY!!!  Now I know that doesn't sound exactly like a healthy weight loss BUT I heard someone in my research say "If you are obese then you are not healthy and the sooner you can get to a healthy weight the better."  Ok so that is something I can get behind.  I also know myself.  If I don't see results quickly then I will lose my motivation.  Then I start to feel depressed...then I eat because I depressed and there you have it... I have gained weight instead of losing it.  So  I have decided to give this a try.  

So what exactly is the HCG Diet.  Well it is a couple of things.  First the drops (there is also a shot version but I am not doing that).  They are of the hormone, or a simulation of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).  You take 10 drops under your tongue 3 times a day.  They are supposed to help you not feel hungry and burn the bad fats in your body.  Now there is no medical evidence for why this is other then the thousands of happy customers.  Some doctors call this a placebo that I say well if it works who cares if it is just the power of suggestion, IT WORKED! And that is all I am interested in, something that will hep me lose weight.  The other aspect is the low calorie very strict diet and 4 phase plan.  Now the very strict part is only in phase 2.  And now this is where it gets a little complicated...4 phases, strict diet, no medical evidence, why even try it?  Well because of the many many testimonials out there that say it has changed their lives! So I start this crazy journey next week and I am excited to get to the new me that is buried inside this body.

Phase 1: Taking the hCG drops (3 & 6 Week Programs | Days 1 – 2)

For the first two days, start taking the hCG drops:
  1. Place the drops under your tongue and hold them there for 60 seconds. Swallow the remaining liquid.

    Note: Be sure to take ten drops, three times per day, for a total of 30 drops. Once in the morning, 30 minutes before lunch, and then again 30 minutes before dinner.
  2. During the first two days of taking the hCG drops, you'll also need to eat as much high fat food as you possibly can. You'll be storing fat to be used as energy during the low calorie portion of the diet (described later). Don't skip this step; your energy level will suffer if you do.

The best foods to eat are milk chocolate, pastries, ice cream, peanut butter, bread (with lots of butter), and pork. (I will seriously be enjoying this phase!!!)

Phase 2: Starting the Low Calorie Diet
            (3 week program | Days 3 – 21)
            (6 week program | Days 3 – 42)
  1. On the third day, you'll begin the low calorie diet of 500 calories per day(or the 800,or 1200 cal version). Continue the low calorie diet for 3 weeks (if you're trying to lose 15 to 20 pounds), or 6 weeks (if you're trying to lose 34 to 40 pounds). Weigh yourself every morning when you wake up. You should see a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day.
  2. Eat only the foods from the following list. No variations are allowed. If an item is not on the list, then don't eat it!

    For the next two days, start taking the hCG drops
    1. On the third day, you'll begin the low calorie diet of 500 calories per day. Continue the low calorie diet for 3 weeks (if you're trying to lose 15 to 20 pounds), or 6 weeks (if you're trying to lose 34 to 40 pounds). Weigh yourself every morning when you wake up preferrably after using the restroom. You should see a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day.
    2. Eat only the foods from the following list. No variations are allowed. If an item is not on the list, then don't eat it!

    Protein: Two 100-gram servings per day
    ChickenWhite fish (tilapia, halibut)
    ShrimpExtra lean ground beef

    You'll need to remove all of the fat from the meat and weigh it before cooking. Don't use oils to cook the meat, and avoid using spices containing sugar.

    Note: The original protocol isn't specific about exactly how much a vegetable serving is, so use your best judgment. One serving is approximately two cups of salad, one tomato, one cucumber, one onion, or 1/2 cabbage. Be sure not to mix vegetables. Only one vegetable is allowed per meal.
    Green saladOnions
    Red radishesAsparagus
    Beet greens
Bread: Two servings per day 

  • 1 melba toast (1 piece per serving)
  • 1 grissini (1 piece per serving)
Note:    Melba toast is available at most grocery stores. Grissini is available at health food stores and Italian markets. 

Fruit: Two servings per day 

  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • Handful of strawberries
You can disperse the allotted food throughout the day as you choose. However, the best option is to skip breakfast and break up your allowed food into lunch, dinner, and two snacks. 


You can consume unlimited amounts of the following: 

  • Black Coffee
  • Water (distilled water is best)
  • Sparkling water (Pellegrino, Perrier)
  • Sweeteners
Try to consume at least two liters of fluids per day. 

Note:    Only Use stevia and saccharin (Sweet 'N' Low) only. Don't use aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), or sugar. 

Spices and Seasonings 

You can use any spice you want, just be sure it doesn't contain sugar. Salt and pepper are allowed. Be sure to read the ingredients of everything you consume. Even a minor intake of something that isn't allowed can slow down your diet considerably. 

Note:    You can have gum, just be sure it is flavored with xylitol(a natural sweetener). Most brands of gum use aspartame, which is not allowed. 

Phase 3: Stabilization
           (3 week program | Days 22 – 43)
           (6 week program | Days 43 – 64)

On day 35, you can now begin to add more food back into your diet, just be sure to avoid sugar and starch for 3 weeks. It's best to add foods back in one at a time so you can see how your body reacts to each item. You can have dairy, nuts, fats and oils, but beware of extra-sweet fruit like bananas and mangoes during this phase. 

Once you have successfully stabilized your weight, you are ready to add normal foods back into your diet, including bread and other starchy foods like potatoes (in moderation, of course). You can also eat food containing sugar like mangoes, bananas, and sweets. At this point of the diet, you will have developed a taste for healthy foods. It should also be much easier for you to make good eating decisions as well. 

You'll still need to continue to weigh yourself every morning, and if you ever go two pounds above your lowest achieved weight, a steak day* will put you back on track. Just keep in mind that it is important to do the steak day on the same day as the gain. Otherwise it isn't as effective. You should be able to maintain your new weight forever by following this simple system. 

*A steak day is where you don't consume anything all day except water. For dinner, you'll eat a large steak. Later on that evening, you can either have one apple or one tomato. 

The following morning, you should be back within two pounds of your lowest achieved weight. This is how you keep yourself from gaining back all the weight you lost earlier in Phase 2: Starting the Low Calorie Diet. 

During Phase 3: Stabilization, you'll learn which foods your body doesn't digest well, and should be avoided.

Phase 4: Keeping Your Weight Off
           (3 week program | Days 44 – Forever)
           (6 week program | Days 65 – Forever)

Did you know that habits (both good and bad) are made and broken in a 14-day time period? During your experience of the previous phases of the hCG diet, no doubt you may have created some new and healthy eating habits. At this point you may feel better physically and mentally than you ever have before. In addition, you may discovered a new self-confidence, and a new you! If you go right back to eating the wrong types of foods, chances are you'll find yourself feeling sick, and you'll soon realize that your body actually craves healthier foods. 

The hCG diet is all about making a change in your lifestyle. Sure, losing weight is a part of that change, but the key is to lose weight and keep it off, forever. Take time to educate yourself on the causes of obesity, and surround yourself with people who also share the same goals as you do. You can also consult your physician or other professionals that will help you stay on the right path to stay happy and healthy for the rest of your life. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

St Patty's Day Come Early!

So corned beef and cabbage is one of my all time FAVORITE meals! And as I was shopping this weekend for groceries I saw these great looking, gorgeous pieces of meat just begging to be fixed.  This was a slight blonde moment (no I am not blonde but my mother is so I like to say that I am blonde once removed so I only have the occasional blonde moment lol).  I had completely forgotten that this upcoming weekend is ST. Patty's Day so... DUH to me that of course! there were some great cuts in the case.  The problem was I had already worked this meal into my meal plans this week and did NOT want to have to wait till Sunday to have it! So long story short we are having St Patty's Day early this year! lol

Now I was always brought up putting the giant pot of water on the stove with my beef and the little seasoning packet cooking for a couple hours then throwing in the red potatoes and cabbage for another hour and then we were good to go.  Simple, to the point and always yummy.  Over the years I have tried to duplicate it and I don't know if I get impatient or what but I can never seem to get the meat tender enough...SO I decided to try and do this meal in the crockpot! I am a big believer in this invention and believe we should use it to the fullest! So I started doing some digging around online for ideas and recipes and I discovered that there was so much more I could be doing with this dish to give it even more flavor! So below is the recipe of what I currently have in my crockpot. It is kind of a combination of a few different ideas I found.  I will be sure to update you all on how it turns out! (PS as you can tell I'm not all that big on exact measurements! lol)

1- 3lb corned beef brisket
spice packet that comes with it (or in my case it was just pre-rubbed on)
10ish - mini red potatoes
2 cupsish of baby carrots
2 tbls minced garlic
mrs. dash
2 cubes beef bullion

I quartered my red potatoes and layered the bottom of the crockpot.  Then I poured in my baby carrots.  I added some Mrs. Dash and garlic to these and covered with water.  Then I put my beef brisket on top of this (add your spices packet now if it came with yours) and covered with water.  Dropped in 2 cubes of beef bullion added more garlic, and Mrs. Dash. Covered and set crock pot on low for 6 hours. After six hours I cut up and added my cabbage set the crock pot on high and cooked for 1 more hour.  (normally I would have just left it on low for 8hrs and added the cabbage at about the hour to go mark but I misjudged my timing today and want Rod to be able to eat dinner before he has to go to his rehearsal tonight!) I am going to be dying all day smelling it cook!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


So as I put my cheesy-maniac dinner into the oven I am researching diet and fitness things online. Yeah I know not so bright of an idea when I am probably about to eat 3 times my daily limit of carbs! lol But as I said earlier in my post on the recipe for tonight's dinner I have 2 weeks before I start my fitness stuff and I might as well enjoy those few weeks, right? So I came across this website ( and I found it pretty cool and motivating.  You plug in your height and weight and then you can put in your goal weight and it generates the above images based on the numbers you feed it.  I think it is highly motivating to be able to see the possibilities of how I will look after I reach my goal weight! And motivation to remember to keep it off! I also like the idea of posting these kind of pics for updates if you are blogging, facebooking or whatever about your weight loss experience.  It's just a bit more private then posting pictures of yourself.  Now don't get me wrong for you guys I will probably be posting pictures of my progress but it is damned scary to think about getting in front of that camera right now.  So this gives you guys an example of where I am at and where I want to be! 85 lbs to lose and I am getting ready to start that journey!

Three Cheese Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo Bake

SO for dinner tonight I am sticking to my normal comfort food..cheesy goodness, carb overload on the yumminess kind of meal!  NOT a good idea for my other fitness goal BUT I am not really starting that til Spring Break in 2 weeks so I figure I might as well splurge while I can, right? Now if you click on the picture it will take you to the recipe I am using from  However I am going to be adding a few things to it now that I have gotten my confidence in my cooking skills up over the past few months on my Pinterest cooking adventure (and YES I found this off of Pinterest too!!)  So I am going to be adding the chicken which she suggests in her post but I am also adding broccoli so I can sneak in some greens to my household of picky eaters. This includes Rod when it comes to vegetables! lol  I am currently cooking the chicken and since this is the first time I am making this I will update you on how it turns out :) I'm hungry just looking at the picture!!

Ok so maybe it is me but I thought this tasted very plain.  Now that is my bad for going easy on the spices and salt. I guess I was afraid of overdoing it but wow did I undershoot my mark!  But even so it just wasn't as cheesy and creamy as I thought it would be with the amount of stuff I put in it.  Now I did go cheap with the store brand alfredo sauce and that could be a major factor here.  So my suggestion for you if you plan on making this is don't be afraid of the spices and seasonings they are your friends in making this dish!

Hello World!!

Hi everyone! :) My name is Raquel and I have decided to delve into the world of blogging.  I am dedicating this blog to the F words of my life: Family, Food, Fitness, and Fun!!! I have to say now that I am putting pen to paper this is a bit intimidating writing for others to see.  I am hoping to use this as an open forum of sharing my experiences, the good the bad and the ugly (hey I have three little boys under the age of 6! trust me it gets ugly sometimes!) So I guess to start with I will tell you about me?

I am 27 years old. I like long walks on the beach and....just kidding lol.  Except for the age part yes I am coming dangerously close to that 30 year old mark! Yikes!  So back to the REAL me.  I am 27 years old.  I live with my fiance Rod and we have been together for almost 3 years now.  He and I have 2 little boys Lucas who is 2 and Jamie who is 6 months.  And just so you get that we are some crazy, nerd people our kids' full names are Lucas Skylar and James Tiberius...yes that is their real names! Shout out to all my Star Wars and Trekkie fans! Ok so you are probably saying that I thought you had three boys? Well I do, Tristan is my oldest and he is 5.  I was married and pregnant at 21 (that was a great idea! *eye roll*).  Needless to say it was very short lived and I found myself divorced and a single mom at 23. As you can tell I am not conventional in my life or my writing style.  So if you are used to the normal status quo then this blog probably isn't for you.  Also English wasn't my strong subject in school so excuse the appalling disuse of punctuation and probably a few run on sentences here and there. Hey at least there is spell check so you don't have to worry about my spelling! :) Ok so let's see what else to know about us.  Rod and I are very active theater people.  He is the drama teacher at the local high school and I do the vocal directing for his musicals.  We love to go see live theater and are normally involved in at least 4 play productions a year.  Weather it is acting, directing, building sets or just generally contributing to the area and high school theater's.  I am not currently working but looking for a part time job to help get us through those summer months.  The goal is to go back to school ( college degree just a couple years of gen eds under my belt).  I want to get into Nursing and I am hoping to start school again in the next year.  So this blog might turn into the F'S of My Life...Family, Food, Fitness, Fun and School!  So let's see I have covered Family.

Now Food...ok I LOVE food.  I am an avid pinterest pinner who is always trying out new recipes. I'm getting pretty good with some things I am finding too (except baking I am REALLY bad at baking).  And believe it or not doing bigger meals at home and pre-planning my shopping for the week has really cut our grocery bills down! Yay! Ok BUT here is my dilemma...the things I like to make and love to eat are NOT the healthy stuff.  It's the cheesy, carbs, and sugary stuff. SO GOOD BUT SO BAD!  This is where the fitness comes into my life or should I say out of my life.  I am not at a good weight and am VERY unhappy with my body currently.  Yes I just had 2 kids in the last 2 years but I am done having kids (for now) and I am done looking and feeling the way I do.  So you will hopefully start to see a difference from recipes that I will be posting and sharing with you guys as I try to start eating better and more healthy. I also have a big plan on how to lose weight that I will be starting soon and sharing with you all to see how it goes.  I need to lose *drum roll* 85 lbs to reach my goal weight! Ouch...told you I was not happy with my weight.  So that will be another consistent thing you see me writing about.

As for the Fun you know I will share all of the fun adventures and activities I have with my family and in my life!

Ok...that was a bit long winded for my intro but hey I'm a complicated gal ;)